Preimplantation genetic diagnostics in IVF cycles: benefits and features

What is the most important thing in the in vitro fertilisation procedure? Of course, the guarantee that the baby will be born healthy. This is what preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is responsible for. It is carried out by the specialists of fertility center Ovumia Alternatyva before the process of transfer: the implantation of an embryo into the uterus of the future mother.

Usually, during the IVF procedure, not one but several oocytes are taken from a woman. Then they are fertilised in the laboratory with biomaterial from the future father or donor. It should be remembered that only healthy embryos are suitable for transfer. That is why special attention is paid to the complete examination and screening of the genome of the future baby. In addition, preimplantation genetic diagnostics will help to avoid diseases caused by changes in genetic material (changes in the number of chromosomes or certain gene mutations).

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is not a new procedure. As early as 1990, the first successful births after PGD took place. Since then, research methods and devices have been improved every year. Nowadays, there are practically no diseases that cannot be detected in an embryo before implantation.

The main purpose of preimplantation genetic diagnosis

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis helps to prevent the birth of children with severe gene mutations that can lead to a number of diseases, including:

  • cystic fibrosis;
  • Tay-Sachs disease;
  • sickle cell anaemia;
  • haemophilia A;
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

If the doctor finds an increased likelihood of having a baby with congenital anomalies, preimplantation genetic diagnosis of nine chromosomes will be necessary. Changes in these chromosomes can lead to severe conditions such as:

  • Patau syndrome;
  • Edwards syndrome;
  • Down syndrome;
  • Turner syndrome;
  • Prader-Willi syndrome;
  • Klinefelter syndrome.

The process of preimplantation genetic diagnosis

The best time for the test is 5-6 days after fertilisation, when the embryo is at the stage of separation (6-10 blastomeres). During the procedure, IVF clinic Alternatyva specialists use a high-precision laser to make a mini-hole in the embryo membrane, and then use a special needle to take embryo cells for biopsy. These cells are then placed in special tubes for genetic analysis and sent to the laboratory.

When PGD is required

In general, preimplantation genetic diagnosis is an optional but highly desirable procedure during in vitro fertilisation treatment. However, there is a certain list of situations and conditions when PGD is indispensable:

  1. The woman’s age is over 35 years. With age, a woman’s eggs lose their quality. This means that gene mutations and damage to the integrity of the genetic material occur more often. As a result, the frequency of embryos with a damaged genotype increases.
  2. Previous miscarriages in a woman. This may be due to an abnormal set of chromosomes in the germ cells of a man or woman.
  3. The presence of autosomal dominant diseases in one of the couple or changes in their chromosome configuration.
  4. Previous unsuccessful attempts at in vitro fertilisation.
  5. The likelihood of transmitting terminal diseases to offspring.

Ovumia Alternatyva IVF clinic cannot prevent genetic diseases if they already exist. However, the analysis offered by our reproductive medicine clinic can protect against them appearing in your unborn child. Transferring only healthy embryos is exactly what we can guarantee. Do not neglect preimplantation genetic diagnostics, as it is the key to a healthy, happy and carefree childhood for your future baby.