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Why you can’t get pregnant: causes and solutions

Have you been dreaming of having a baby for a long time, and despite giving up contraception for an extended period, pregnancy remains just a dream? The problem is extremely acute for a huge number of couples who dream of becoming parents soon. Why can’t a healthy woman get pregnant? Why can’t you get pregnant the first time or why…

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Trends in Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)

Yes, it’s not just high fashion that dictates trends. Reproductive medicine also determines modern trends and opportunities in the treatment of infertility. The main task of reproductive medicine is to ensure the health of the next generation and prevent hereditary diseases. We adhere to the basic principle of medicine ‘Do no harm!’ so that children born through ART can become…

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Obesity and infertility

With an increase in body mass index (BMI), the risk of ovulatory dysfunction increases, which can lead to infertility. Many obese women have to turn to assisted reproductive technologies to get pregnant and have a baby. The number of people suffering from obesity is growing every year. 1.9 billion adults worldwide are overweight or obese. Obesity is described by BMI,…

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Can a scar on the uterus after a caesarean section reduce fertility?

The problem is that the healing of the uterus at the incision site during surgical delivery is not always complete. Caesarean sections are regulated by the relevant clinical protocol, have clear medical indications and are vital in certain clinical situations. However, it is not for nothing that the world has begun to talk about the ‘caesarean section epidemic’. In some…

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Not Just a Sperm Analysis: How Sperm Is Tested Before Fertilization

Author of the post: our doctor @dr.kozyra The carousel contains a list of tests that are actively used to evaluate sperm For each examination, a man must donate sperm. And you need to prepare properly beforehand: 2-4 days before the test, abstain from sexual intercourse, alcohol, tobacco smoking, drugs and other psychoactive substances 3 days before – exclude spicy, fatty,…

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The Impact of Iron Deficiency Anemia on Fertility

The Impact of Iron Deficiency Anemia on Fertility Presented by our doctor, Oleksandra Kozyra: Iron deficiency anemia is a condition characterized by a decrease in the levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin (the protein that transports oxygen) due to a lack of iron (Fe). It is the Fe in hemoglobin that binds oxygen and transports it through the blood.…

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