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I can’t get pregnant, what should I do?

Content: Let’s first understand when we can talk about infertility? What is a regular sex life? What are the most common causes of infertility? How can you understand whether ovulation occurs? What tests should a couple take when they fail to get pregnant? What day of the menstrual cycle should I take tests? I can’t get pregnant – it’s a…

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Male infertility: all about the spermogram

Male infertility is becoming an increasingly common problem. According to medical research, in half of the cases of infertility in a family, the cause lies in the man. A decrease in sperm quality can be caused by various factors, such as: bad habits (smoking, alcohol consumption); negative environmental impact and air pollution; infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;…

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Preimplantation genetic diagnostics in IVF cycles: benefits and features

What is the most important thing in the in vitro fertilisation procedure? Of course, the guarantee that the baby will be born healthy. This is what preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is responsible for. It is carried out by the specialists of fertility center Ovumia Alternatyva before the process of transfer: the implantation of an embryo into the uterus of the…

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Infertility can be treated: everything you need to know for this

The reason to talk about possible infertility is the inability to conceive a child for a year (or longer). In some cases, this period can be reduced to 6 months of unsuccessful attempts, as it is well known that fertility in women steadily declines with age. Therefore, women who have reached the age of 35 should pay attention to the…

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Infertility treatment for women without a partner

IVF (in vitro fertilisation, or IVF) is one of the most effective and popular methods of infertility treatment. The essence of this modern reproductive technology is that fertilisation of the egg occurs outside the woman’s body. It is carried out under close supervision in a laboratory by highly qualified specialists. Usually, both partners take part in the programme: a man…

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